Fax: +49 (0) 761 892535
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Strict final inspections ensure that you get perfect goods every time, all the time.

Quality of our products

We deliver coverslips for microscopy in all sizes and thicknesses with an excellent glass quality and dimensional accuracy.

ORSAtec slides are manufactured and coated according to the latest standards and provide a solution for every adhesion problem. We put great emphasis on quality and customer satisfaction. Therefore, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Quality management

Quality control is part of the production process. Strict final inspections of our products ensure that you get perfect goods every time, all the time. Following the European Directive 98/79/EG, we characterize packaging of in vitro diagnostics (IVD) with the CE mark, the batch number and the recommended durability - if the item has a limited shelf life.


Do you have any question to our products or are you interested in additional information? We are looking forward to hear from you.